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Climate Change

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References for ‘Dr Karl’s Little Book of Climate Change Science’

I did my first story on Climate Change in 1981. These references go back to before that and hopefully up to the present day.

If you want to know anything specific about Climate Change all the hard work I’ve done will save you a lot of time.

Chapter 1-3 references are available below. Most of these references are accessible online by copying and pasting the entire reference into a search engine.

References for Chapters 4-8 coming soon!

NOTE: While efforts have been made to trace and acknowledge all sources of information, in some cases these may have been unsuccessful. If you believe your material is not referenced, or if you think there are errors, please send an email to: mistakes@drkarl.com

Chapter 1: How Long Has This Been Going On?

A snapshot of the science – and how it was covered up

Analogy with Tobacco

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Canberra Times

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Ancient Weather Measurements

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Australian Natural Gas

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BHP Lobbyists

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BP and Carbon Footprint

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BP Annual Reports

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BP Deepwater Horizon

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Budget Spent by Fossil Fuel Companies on Renewables

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Australian Carbon Footprint

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Plastic Mostly Not Recycled

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Benjamic Franta, Climate Change Activist

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Trillion Trees

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Budget of Climate Denialists

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Costs of Climate Change

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Bob Ward, Royal Society

Women in Royal Society

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Esso-Atlantic Supertanker

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Exxon Knew in 1970s

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Exxon’s Fossil Fuel Friends Knew of Climate Change

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Inside Climate News


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Wikipedia Contributors. “Nitrous Oxide.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 4 Oct. 2019, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrous_oxide. Accessed 11 Oct. 2020.

Chapter 3: Buried Sunshine

Why do we burn carbon, and where did it come from?

The Oil Drum: Europe | What is a Human Being Worth (in Terms of Energy)? 2020, Theoildrum.com, viewed 21 December 2021, theoildrum.com/node/4315.

The Morning Call 2011, How much energy is there in a barrel of oil?, The Morning Call, viewed 21 December 2021, www.mcall.com/opinion/mc-xpm-2011-05-24-mc-barrel-oil-explainit-20110524-story.html.

How much energy is there in a barrel of oil? | Peak Oil News and Message Boards 2011, Peakoil.com, viewed 21 December 2021, peakoil.com/generalideas/how-much-energy-is-there-in-a-barrel-of-oil.

Wikipedia Contributors 2020, Barrel of oil equivalent, Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, viewed 21 December 2021, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barrel_of_oil_equivalent.

Wikipedia Contributors 2021, Stakhanovite movement, Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, viewed 21 December 2021, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stakhanovite_movement.

Wikipedia Contributors 2021, Barrel (unit), Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, viewed 21 December 2021, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barrel_(unit).

Smith, D 2017, ‘The Energy in a Barrel of Oil’ by Lee and Amanda Borden, Dick Smith Fair Go, Dick Smith Fair Go, viewed 21 December 2021, www.dicksmithfairgo.com.au/energy-barrel-oil-lee-amanda-borden/.

Energy Units and Conversions 2021, Uci.edu, viewed 21 December 2021, www.physics.uci.edu/~silverma/units.html.

Wikipedia Contributors 2021, Carbon cycle, Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, viewed 21 December 2021, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_cycle.

Wikipedia Contributors 2021, Carboniferous, Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, viewed 21 December 2021, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carboniferous.

Whaling – DAWE 2021, Awe.gov.au, viewed 21 December 2021, www.awe.gov.au/environment/marine/marine-species/cetaceans/whaling.

Wikipedia Contributors 2021, Petroleum, Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, viewed 21 December 2021, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petroleum.

Chapter 4: 400,000 Atom Bombs Away!

That’s how much extra heat we’re trapping a day – no wonder it’s getting hot!

The references for this chapter are coming soon.

Chapter 5: So Hot it Hurts the Planet

How rising temperatures affect the planet and its environment

The references for this chapter are coming soon.

Chapter 6: Hot and Unhappy Plants and Animals

The effects of Climate Change on nature

The references for this chapter are coming soon.

Chapter 7: Hot and Unhappy People

The effects of Climate Change on us

The references for this chapter are coming soon.

Chapter 8: What’s the Fix?

There’s heaps we can do to repair and reverse Climate Change

The references for this chapter are coming soon.